On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 01:27:48PM -0400, devin kelly wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having a problem, where I want to receive data from a specified
> amount of time/samples and then stop.  I'm using a USRP2 with the UHD.
>  So far, everything works fine, except for when I try to stop.  My
> script exits ok, but the usrp2 keeps sending data over the ethernet
> bus.  The 'C' led is remains illuminated as well, indicating that the
> usrp2 is still receiving.
> My code looks like this
>     self.ipAddr = ''
>     self.bufSize = '60e6'
>     self.u = uhd.single_usrp_source('addr=' + self.ipAddr + ',
> recv_buff_size=' + self.bufSize, uhd.io_type_t.COMPLEX_FLOAT32)
>      ...
>     if tb.u.stop() is False:
>        print 'tb.u.stop() failed'
>     if tb.stop() is False:
>        print 'tb.stop() failed'
>     sys.exit()
> tb.u.stop() and tb.stop() both return true.  Is there something else I
> need to do stop my usrp2?  So far the only way I've found to stop it
> is to do a hard reset.

Try stopping the flow graph:



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