This is the way i'm doing it. Actually I'm getting close to have the
interface. I just asked, to listen people with more experience with

with regards


2010/10/8 Tom Rondeau <>

> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Euripedes Rocha Filho
> <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm working with a XtremeDSP II kit from nallatech and trying to
> integrate
> > it with gnuradio. I guess it will be faster writting the block in python.
> > Anyone worked with this board before? Or even try to put it and gnuradio
> > together?
> >
> > Euripedes
> You're likely to want to follow the way things were done in gr-usrp to
> give you an idea about how to make an GNU Radio interface to a
> hardware component. You want to do this in the C++ domain and then
> create a wrapper (via SWIG) into Python.
> Tom
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