On 10/26/2010 10:17 PM, songsong gee wrote:
Currently I am trying to make an ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying)

I use GNURadio Companion,

The program gets the input from file source and multiplies it with signal

And I monitors via Scope and FFT plots

You can see a diagram ASK.grc (image)<http://goo.gl/0WHt>

And the result is somewhat weird. Plots (image)<http://goo.gl/UcF9>

It seems sinusoidal, but the shape looks like sawtooth!

You are multiplying random 1s and 0s by a sinusoid. And you have a sinusoid that is randomly either 0 or sine(x). It looks correct!

Perhaps you want to increase the temporal width of your symbols? In that case, I suggest using the repeat block.


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