On 11/16/2010 08:20 PM, Steve Mcmahon wrote:
Secondly, what is performance penalty of UHD interface versus the raw Ethernet 
interface? UHD is based on UDP, so certainly there must be some reduction in 
the maximum data rate (and thus the bandwidth) compared the raw Ethernet 
interface. UDP certainly adds overhead...
With UHD, you can manipulate the maximum frame sizes to an extent that the extra bytes in the header disappear "into the noise", so one (IMHO) shouldn't be concerned that UHD is a "lesser" beast in terms of on-the-wire performance.

I run a Rx-only UHD USRP2+DBS_RX in my lab (http://science-radio-labs.com) at 25Msps, and it's fine. I don't think that the packet
  overhead is really that big an issue.

Finally, if the USRP N210 only supports the new UHD interface, what is the 
reason that the current raw Ethernet interface is being deprecated in favor of 
UHD? What are the advantages of UHD compared to raw Ethernet? What are the 

****************************** STRICTLY WEARING MY USRP1/USRP2 USER/CUSTOMER HAT HERE ************************************** From my point of view, as a *user* of Ettus hardware with Gnu Radio, UHD provides a more uniform abstraction layer for various physical devices that fit in the Analog-goop+{ADC,DAC}+FPGA+data-pump category. It's nice not having your application need to "know" too much about the devices it'll be connected to. Prior to UHD, there was no convenient way to do that (not that there was *no* way, just no *convenient* way). Plus UHD is more platform-neutral than what went before. It will allow Ettus (and anyone else who licenses UHD technology, I guess) devices to be used in a broader "eco-system" of SDR technology, and that's never a bad thing.

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