On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Isaac Gerg <isaac.g...@gergltd.com> wrote:
> I have on USRP and I'm simultaneously sending an receiving data from it
> using the UHD interface.  Im trying to determine if I am sending my samples
> at all.  I am sending all 100's using COMPLEX_FLOAT32 interface.  I have a
> basixRX and basicTX boards.  Both are hooked up on the A side of the USRP.
> I have a cable connecting TX-A to RX-A with an attenuator in the middle.  I
> transmit but do not seem to see my signal.  Here is a dump from my program.

When you say you're sending "all 100's using COMPLEX_FLOAT32
interface", what exactly do you mean?  Do you mean the value 100 in
decimal repeatedly?  If so, this is a DC signal with no frequency
content, and DC offset correction could be wiping it out.  If not, can
you elaborate more on the data values that you're sending?

John Orlando
CEO/System Architect
Epiq Solutions

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