On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 10:50 PM, Don Ward <don2387w...@sprynet.com> wrote:
> Tom Rondeau wrote:
>> I would ask all of you who can to start either using or at least
>> testing out the 'next' branch now and provide us with feedback and bug
>> reports.
> Compilation on Cygwin fails because there is no <complex.h> (#included by
> volk_complex.h) in Cygwin.  In fact, there appears to be no support in the
> Cygwin C library for complex types
> (http://www.cygwin.com/cygwin-api/std-notimpl.html).  (Complex numbers are
> supported in Cygwin's g++, however.)
> Unless there is some reasonable way to avoid requiring complex.h (or to
> avoid building volk), we will need to abandon GNU Radio under Cygwin.  (That
> wouldn't bother me too much, as long as it works under MinGW---especially if
> support could be provided building with MSVC.)
> -- Don W.

Thanks, Don. That's really good to know and wouldn't have even crossed
my mind (the more I have to interact with Cygwin, the less impressed I


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