It would be useful to know the background of whoever this would be for. EE?
Computer Science? Familiarity with trigonometric functions and some basic
calculus would be helpful for getting up to speed.

I would advise against the MIT courseware link... I found it overly
theoretical, and pretty much the exact thing you don't want (crazy math and
algorithms). Personally, I found the tutorials at this link from
SuggestedReading helpful, although I had studied some of the basics in
undergrad courses 10 years ago, so I had some background:

They're not the most polished write-ups (some typos, formatting errors), but
I found it easy to follow and the diagrams are very helpful, and may meet
your criteria of not being too textbook-ish.


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Brett L. Trotter <>wrote:

> Is there one or two books that give a pretty comprehensive, yet low base
> communications/DSP knowledge requirement that would be a guided
> walkthrough of waves and fields, various forms of modulation, carriers,
> filters, sidebands, etc? I'm really looking for something that's either
> not a textbook, or not written like one- most textbooks are very dry and
> hard to understand without someone guiding the experience and asking the
> right questions. I realize the material is fairly dry, so I understand
> that it's not going to be a crichton novel, but the less crazy math and
> algorithm intensive it is, the better.
> Long story short, what's a good way to get a more solid grasp of how
> driving a DAC can create electromagnetic waves, and what can one do with
> those waves. I'd really really like to walk away understanding how
> complex numbers turn into constellations are really formed as an
> electromagnetic wave, etc, and the real guts of some basic things like
> FM and DSSS.
> -Brett
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