On 28/04/2011 2:26 PM, Stefan Gofferje wrote:
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as far as I understand, the E100 is a complete standalone system. I'm
just a bit irritated by the descriptions "Console (USB)" and USB
on-the-go. I assume, console USB is a serial console via some getty to
ttyUSBx? How am I supposed to use it? Adaptor USB->Mini-USB and a
USB-Serial adaptor?
What is USB on-the-go?
USB on-the-go (OTG) is a USB standard that allows a USB port to adopt either "host" or "device" personality, depending on application. It's fairly common on embedded-system platforms to
  supply this.

It's also *very* common for such embedded systems to provide a virtual serial-port via USB, by virtue of "looking" exactly like a USB serial port. Such devices work with existing Linux serial-port software, and as you observe will "manifest" as /dev/ttyUSBx or sometimes, /dev/ttyACMx.

How about the software? Is the box x86 compatible or do I have to wait
for Ettus to create some kind of software image if there is an update of
The E100 is based on an TI OMAP platform. Phil Ballister could fill in the details, but it ships with a Linux image pre-installed, and you can do either a cross-build or native build of Gnu Radio yourself, and most E100 users do so. It's completely end-user configurable, programmable, as you would expect
  any Linux platform to be.  But it's not X86.

And finally - how about the performance? Does the box run X? Is it
powerful enough to run grc-created WX-stuff?

It's not a desktop-class platform by any stretch of the imagination.

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