On 09/05/2011 2:25 PM, Michael Dickens wrote:

I often use GRC for simple tasks -- it's a LOT faster than writing Python scripts, and it 
"just works" for these tasks.  Admittedly, these are simple -- such as reading 
a file of audio data, adding in gain, and then both displaying a waterfall FFT and piping 
the data to audio out.  I do agree that for any cutting-edge project what you write is 
true, but if GNU Radio accumulates blocks over time GRC will eventually fit the needs of 
that 90+% I keep talking about.  Of course, that ~10% will always remain, as they are the 
cutting edge folks.

There's a growing expectation that Gnu Radio exists to provide functional blocks for *all parts* of your communications system. I think that's a flawed model, and flies in the face of sound modularity principles. There's an expectation that Gnu Radio handle "everything", and I just don't think that's a good model. Gnu Radio, to me, is a DSP engine that happens to live on a general-purpose compute platform. But it has become "sullied" over the years with "other stuff" unrelated to strictly-signal-path problems. Attempting to shoe-horn "stuff" that isn't strictly signal-path oriented into Gnu Radio will cause both unnecessary bloat in the codebase, but more-importantly, it will cause people to suffer grief in that they're trying to use the wrong paradigm to solve the not-strictly-signal-path parts of their "solution".

True, but it's an enormous class.  Maybe I'm too limited, but I cannot think of 
a communication algorithm that can't be implemented graphically in GRC, somehow 
(or the equivalent, via some combination of a data-flow graph and text command 
line such as provided by Python).

See above. The problem is that people want the Gnu Radio signal-path paradigm to solve problems that aren't necessarily directly signal-path related. Strictly speaking, for example, none of the GUI stuff should be in Gnu Radio proper at all. But it's awfully convenient. The thinking that lead to non-signal-path processing inside Gnu Radio is, I would assert, a strong reason for people finding it "wanting"--they naturally expect that it does "everything". Which it can't. Hmmm, I wonder if a flow-graph is Turing complete? Another example: HTML. HTML can be used to solve a vast number of problems, and indeed rich "applications" have been constructed using HTML. But (at least early versions of) HTML isn't Turing complete--it's not a complete programming paradigm, and so much functionality must necessarily be implemented outside of it. I would assert that Gnu Radio is in the same category--it's a paradigm for managing mathematical data-flow. So, when you have a problem that falls outside of that model, you have to ask yourself: is it a flaw in the model, or a flaw in my reasoning about the applicability of the model to my application? From what I've seen on the list over the last several years, a goodly chunk of "heartburn" on the part of newbie users is due to imperfect understanding of the model, and incorrectly assigning functional pieces to the flow-graph model.

True, but that's OS-dependent and a nuisance.  Why not the dual-license 
approach -- one as GPL and another that allows for local IP (the LGPL would 
probably suffice)?  Again I don't know if the FSF would allow it, but there are 
plenty of potential end-users who would benefit from this model. - MLD
I'm not an expert on licensing issues, which is why I've avoided them in the couple of small-scale commercial systems I've done with Gnu Radio as an
  underlying "engine".

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