i have an issue regarding the SDCC executable in the building of gnuradio 3.3.0 on Fedora 15. I set up the PATH in my *.bashrc* file as :

/export PATH=/usr/libexec/sdcc:$PATH

/as written in the build guide but I still get the error in the configure process :

/USRP requires sdcc. sdcc not found. See http://sdcc.sf.net
Unable to find firmware compiler SDCC.
Not building component usrp./

Where am i wrong ? If I launch from terminal

/$ sdcc -v /

it returns :

/$ SDCC : mcs51/gbz80/z80/ds390/pic16/pic14/TININative/ds400/hc08 3.0.0 #6037 (Apr 13 2011) (Linux)/

thx in advance. All the others pre-requisites are fully satisfied.

Regards, Arturo.
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