On 05/28/2011 04:28 PM, Alexander Chemeris wrote:
So, while this method is simple and good for non-realtime
applications, it doesn't fit our needs. It may be usable for PHY<->MAC
interaction, but even here I'm not sure it would work well.

PS I test on Core 2 Duo 1.6 GHz with all the GUI stuff running.
Ok, setting CPU affinity and cutting off startup artifacts definitely helps.
Results are in attachment.
Still you can see quite some uncertainty.

OK, so a roughly 3:1 improvement in peak latency, and somewhat better predicability.

But I'd still counter-assert, to your assertion, that latencies in the 10s-of-usec are entirely acceptable for a wide-range of "real-time" applications, even with occasional latency excursions that increase the variability
  by 50:1 or so.

I can well imagine that they aren't acceptable for *your* application. I mean, if all applications were the same, it would be a very boring world, with most of us working at fast-food restaurants :-)

But I'll stand by my original suggestion that use of FIFOs are an acceptable technique for a wide variety of applications, including
  "real-time" applications, depending on constraints and requirements.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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