On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 5:59 AM, Tom Rondeau <trondeau1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Colby Boyer <colby.bo...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Recently I've been using the MMSE interp filter. I found that when I shift
>> a signal by a fractional amount of 0 (or anything really), the signal goes
>> way off! I would expect SOME difference, but not this much...
>> Some example output.
>> Mu:0 In:(-1.67869,0.480381) Out:(0.0418351,-0.16734)
>> Mu:0 In:(-1.23772,-0.104519) Out:(0.16003,-0.115883)
>> Mu:0 In:(-1.7598,-0.0618457) Out:(0.0986395,-0.33428)
>> On the imgur links are two Re-Im scatter plots of a bpsk signal, one with
>> the fractional shift of 0 and the other with a fractional shift of 0.1 The
>> points with 'x' are the resampled points and points with 'o' is the original
>> signal. As you can see, the mmse fractional interp more or less destroys the
>> signal! Unless I'm using it wrong!?
>> Any comments?
>> imgur: http://imgur.com/a/w98SX top picture is 0 delay, bottom is 0.1
>> delay.
>> Thanks!
>> Colby
> Colby,
> This block has been around for years without any changes, and I and others
> have been successfully using it in various projects, so my guess is that you
> have some misconception about what it's doing or what the parameters are.
> You can see how it's used to simulate a timing offset in
> gnuradio-core/src/lib/hier/gr_channel_model.cc where it's used inside of the
> gr_fractional_interpolator_cc block. We also use it in the
> gr_clock_recovery_mm_XX and gr_mpsk_receiver_cc.
> Tom

Hi Tom,

I looked at the issue again and I was not taking in account the group delay
of the interp filter (its 5 taps into the future or 3 in the past), so I was
sampling a few taps out of phase! After a time shift, it passes the sanity
check of '0.0' delay. Thanks for the response!

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