> Hello list,
> I'm having a lot of trouble here while trying to make openBTS work with my 
> to play with GSMs.
> First of all, a little description of my setup:
> Software:
> openbts-2.6.0Mamou
> gnuradio v3.4.0git-130-g207a2ae7
> UHD from git
> OS: ubuntu 11.04
> # sudo lsusrp
> USRP 0 serial number 4c76a203
>   RX d'board A: WBX NG RX
>   RX d'board B: DBS Rx
>   TX d'board A: WBX NG TX
>   TX d'board B: <none>
> /usr/local/share/gnuradio/examples/usrp/usrp_benchmark_usb.py
> Max USB/USRP throughput = 32MB/sec
> I'm using a FA-SY clock to get 52Mhz and I followed the guide in [1]
> I didn't modify any of the code, since I'm using gnuradio 3.4. (But I
> adapted my OpenBTS.config)
> When I start openBTS I get the following output:
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=nKbG4j3z  (I pasted the whole output)
> Here is the openBTS config I use:
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aUQfYWGu
> (This is the last I used, but I tried several other configs)
> My phones cannot find the network, I'm trying with a Motorolla C123,
> Nokia 3510i and Nokia E71. I'm not sure where I should search next, I
> google'd a lot an read documentation, tried out the fixes described in
> forums etc.
> Strange behaviour (maybe normal, but not sure):
>  "sudo usrp_siggen.py --sine
>   Press Enter to quit: "
> No more output...
> I would be glad if somebody had an idea where I could look next.
> With best regards,
> Marc
> [1]: http://gnuradio.org/redmine/wiki/1/OpenBTSClockModifications
> _______________________________________________
This isn't really the correct mailing list for OpenBTS questions, but I
have a couple of suggestions:

    o what happens if you undo the clock modifications?
    o what do you get if you use something like:

              uhd_fft.py --s 1.0e6 --freq 950e6

Do you get an error, or do you get some kind of reasonable-looking
spectral display?


Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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