
This is my first post in the community. I have been thinking about doing
this question, but after having reviewed some of the theory with digital
signal processing, usrp architecture and some approaches for
positioning/raning, I think I need to ask to the expert community, mainly to
find a line of work and to know the restrictions for the application we want
to carry out.

I would like to measure the distance between two radios at short distances
(we have two UN-210 and two XCVR2450 or 1 WBX and 1 DBSRX2, let's say to 1
m, 2m....up to for example 20 meters), starting from off-line experiments
and finishing with real time measures in line of sight. My questions are:

- What would be, from your experience, the best approach to do this
(transmitted signal and digital processing in the receiver part), what
accuracy should I expect in line of sight?

I am looking mainly for a starting point, the signal structure to transmit
and the receiver structure. For example, one of the thoughts I have is a
correlation in the receiver of a pseudorandom (spread spectrum) transmited
signal, this approach could serve to measure time of arrival by measuring
the delay of the pseudo-noise code signal, when comparing it with an exact
copy at the receiver. Another approach I have seen is the estimation of the
Channel impulse response (CIR), that maybe (as far as i know) could serve
also for estimating distances. I have seen that there is some code to do a
correlation inside the FPGA of the USRP1.

So far my references are (which maybe can be helpul for those who are
working in the same field):

- "Advancing Wireless Link Signatures for Location Distinction". Here, they
do not carry out ranging/positioning, but a change in the transmitter
position is detected. In my case (in the case ranging is not possible), to
detect if a distance is crossed would be my objective  (e.g. the transmitter
go closer than 1 meter to the receiver).

- "RF Ranging for Location Awareness". In this dissertation they use an
arquitecture similar to the USRP hardware.

As you can see what I am looking for is for some sort of radar/ranging
application and some starting point. Also, my questions are very generic for
now and I apologize for it, mainly because I am still looking how to focus
the problem.

Then, any help (references, similar work done) will be very useful.

Kind regards,

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