On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 8:32 PM, Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com> wrote:

> I'm working on a multi-channel radiometer, based on USRP2 with the
> dual-DDC feature.
> I'm trying to come up with channelizing structure that won't overwhelm
> my CPU--I'm using
>  a 6-core Phenom II 1055T, with 4GB of 1333MHz memory.
> I need to be able to carve-off 4 channels, with widths between 100KHz
> and 500Khz, anywhere within
>  25MHz of the center frequency.
> I've tried a single 25MHz input channel, then carving it up with 4 FIR
> filters.  That produces massive
>  'O', no matter how sloppy I make the channel filters.
> I've tried a pair of 12.5MHz channels (using the dual-DDC feature that's
> relatively new). That produces
>  massive 'O'.
> Since ultimately, I'm mostly interesting in channel power estimates, I
> might just FFT it, and pick off
>  the bin(s) that correspond to my channels.
> Is one or two polyphase filter banks going to be cheaper?  And how do I
> compute the taps?  There
>  doesn't appear to be a helper function for that in GRC :-(
> --
> Principal Investigator
> Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
> http://www.sbrac.org
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Hi Marcus,

Check out a pfb channelizer!

gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/blks2impl/pfb_channelizer.py is a nice
python wrapper for the class and gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf is the C++ name.

Also if you need to carve out a a shifted part of the spectrum, use the
gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter_*** block.

These are polyphase implementations so they should be computationally
efficient. Lastly, if you need even more efficiency you can see if they are
doing the fft implementation of filtering (not sure if they are vs standard
computation). As you know, there is the difference between NlogN and N^2

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