The GNU Radio conference is open for registration! You can find all of the
conference details as they come up here:

Specifically, registration can be found:

Ettus Research, LLC will cover registration fees for any student who comes
and will give a presentation on their work with GNU Radio. Please email Matt
and myself offline about this if you are interested.

The current, preliminary schedule is posted as well as travel information.
We are working on getting a group rate at one or two of the near-by hotels.
I will post information about that when I have it.

Unfortunately, we are rather constrained in the size of this conference,
partly to keep it manageable during our first go. If registration slots sell
out quickly and there is sufficient demand, we will work to expand it as
much as possible.

I'm really looking forward to the conference as well as meeting many of you
for the first time (in person, that is).

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