On 08/08/2011 12:31 PM, Prachi Parihar wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm new to gnuradio and I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. I'm using a usrp to read signals in the frequency domain. I've been able to do this successfully using uhd_fft.py which uses fft_sink_c() to display the signal.

What I want to do instead of displaying the signal continuously is to display the average of the power spectrum of the signal every minute using all the samples collected in one minute. I can't find a block that simply takes the (boxcar) average of many spectra once every minute.

If I can't find a block to do this, I will attempt to write one myself. If I need to, is there a strong need to write this block in C++ or could I write it in python?

Thanks in advance for your help,

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There's a logPowerFFT hier block in GRC that allows you to set the frame rate and "alpha" value, and it produces a FLOAT vector that's
  the length of the FFT.

You can then further IIR filter those vectors, and then do a "keep one in N" to make them dump to a file once per minute.

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