> Test project /opt/GNURadio/git_new/builds/jb_next_cmake
>       Start  1: gruel-test
>  1/82 Test  #1: gruel-test .......................   Passed    3.02 sec
>       Start  2: qa_pmt
>  2/82 Test  #2: qa_pmt ...........................***Failed    1.26 sec
>       Start  3: gr-core-reed-solomon-test
>  3/82 Test  #3: gr-core-reed-solomon-test ........   Passed    0.09 sec
>       Start  4: gr-core-test-all
>  4/82 Test  #4: gr-core-test-all .................   Passed   11.53 sec
>       Start  5: qa_add_and_friends
>  5/82 Test  #5: qa_add_and_friends ...............***Failed    0.45 sec
>       Start  6: qa_add_v_and_friends
> [ all of the rest of the tests fail;
>   I get lots of pop-ups telling me that Python unexpectedly quit ]
> 5% tests passed, 78 tests failed out of 82
> Total Test time (real) =  29.37 sec

OK, make sure that if this was checked out from an old repository that
you git cleaned -dfx to remove any old in-tree generated headers. That
could have caused some of the problems you are seeing.

Can you send me <builddir>/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log

Alternatively, you can usually run
<buildir>/component/python/<name_of_test>.sh manually to get the verbose.


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