Hi Josh,

I tried the option 2) and 3), but didn't get the expected result. What I did was transmitting some packet data which had been modulated (O-QPSK method) from one E100 device, then observed the spectral property of the received data from the other E100 device. However, nothing "special" was shown on the spectrum diagram (provided by rx_ascii_art_dft.py or uhd_fft.py).

Then I returned to the basics - using the tx_waveforms (uhd example) to send out SINE wave, then observed the spectrum from the other device. I still used two methods: one is the live DFT by rx_ascii_art_dft.py, the other is first collecting data using the rx_samples_to_file and then reading the data into uhd_fft.py (replace the uhd source by file source). What I expected to see was two tones at 2415.8MHz and 2416.2MHz on the spectrum, but nothing showed up at these two frequencies.

The commands I used at each side are:

TX: # ./tx_waveforms --freq 2416000000 --ant TX/RX --wave-type SINE --wave-freq 200000 --rate 400000 --gain -10

RX: # ./rx_ascii_art_dft --freq 2416000000 --gain 50 --rate 800000 --frame-rate 15 --ref-lvl -30 --dyn-rng 70

The devices I used are two E100, each with a RFX2400 daughter board. UHD image: 003.002.001.

I have spent quite a long time on this issue but got no luck. Could you please give me some tips?

Thanks in advance!


On 09/14/2011 08:16 PM, Josh Blum wrote:

On 09/14/2011 02:11 PM, ziyang wrote:
Thanks a lot for your reply Marcus! The thing is, I have been running
the gnuradio on E100 and there is no graphical support, so I was
wondering if there is another way to conform reception? Or should I run
the gnuradio on the PC and get data from E100? Thanks.

I guess you have a few options:

1) You could build gnuradio w/ qtgui or wxgui support

2) Capture data and replay it on a x86 PC

3) Or the coolest option (because I am proud of my handiwork): To get a
quick live DFT, the uhd examples ascii art dft may be easiest.


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