Hi Nick,

Thanks for your reply. In my application, a microsecond-order accuracy will be enough for the synchronization right now. But I didn't manage to issue set_time_now() to the other usrp because it seems only the usrp of the host device is accessible. So I was wondering if there is a way to access another e100 from the host device?



On 09/26/2011 05:52 PM, ziyang wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to synchronize two E100 devices, both connecting to the ethernet. According to the Synchronization Application Notes of UHD, there are a couple of methods to do it. But the problem is that I don't have access to either an external GPSDO or a reference clock signal.

I tried to access both devices by providing the IP address of uhd_usrp_source/sink, then set the time of them using the set_time_now() method. But it turned out that another m'board is not accessible to the host device.

So I was wondering, under this circumstances, is there a way to synchronize the device time of two E100s?

Thanks in advance,


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