
I have been working with benchmark_tx  and benchmark_rx python programs for
my project, which are available in the
gnuradio/gnuradio-examples/python/digital folder and I have been modifying
them to use for my project.

I wish to calculate the SNR of the received signal and I found that there is
a block with the name "gr_probe_mpsk_snr" which might help to calculate the
SNR of the signal. But I am not sure how to add this block to the code and I
haven't seen any example programs like that so far.

It will be really helpful if someone can point me out a program that makes
use of this block, or if someone can give me the syntax to add this block to
my code.

Your reply will be much appreciated.

Thank you


Shantharam Balasubramanian
MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rutgers University
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