OK == false: when the RX packet's embedded CRC32 does not match that computed 
using the RX'd payload data.  In other words, if there are RX errors in the 
RX'd packet's header, payload, or CRC32, then with high probability OK == false.

On Oct 9, 2011, at 10:06 AM, bharadwaj desikan wrote:
> rx_call back function return false.ie 
> in the below code n_rcvd will be increamented while n_right will not .
> Also if  disturbance in transmission will this affect this during reception
>   def rx_callback(ok, payload):
>         global n_rcvd, n_right
>         n_rcvd += 1
>         if ok:
>             n_right += 1
> Thanks you in advance.

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