Hi all:
     What confused me is if we can do some copy operation in GNU Radio.
It means we copy the data from in[](the input data of block) to a array, and 
do some operations to the data in the array, then make the operated data in 
the array to be out[](the output data of block).
    Did someone do somethings like this?
    Because I wrote a block which is used to make burst in GNU Radio,It is copy 
several data from the input data every loop, then put it in the array which I 
finally output the data in the array. But there is a problem about it ,the 
copier data
was right at first, but after about 30,000 or more bytes, it seemed like lost 
some data.
Why did it happen? I have no idea about it. It is urgent for me.Hope someone 
can help me.
    Thank you in advance.


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