> Here's the information that I put into a README.doxyxml file for the
> instructions to produce the docstrings:
> ===========================================================
> The process of updating and exporting the Doxygen document strings
> into Python consists of a few steps.
> 1. Make sure the 'docs' component will be built, which requires
> Doxygen.
> 2. Build the project like normal, which will run Doxygen and store the
>    XML files into $(top_builddir).
> 3. In $(top_srcdir)/docs/doxygen, run the command:
>    $ python swig_doc.py \
>          $(top_builddir)/docstrings/docs/doxygen/xml \
>          $(top_srcdir)/gnuradio-core/src/lib/swig/swig_doc.i
>    This uses the XML output of Doxygen to to rebuild a SWIG file that
>    contains all of the current Doxygen markups.
> 4. Rebuild the GNU Radio libraries. Since gnuradio.i is included in
>    all of the GNU Radio components, and gnuradio.i includes
>    swig_doc.i, when the libraries are rebuilt, they will now include
>    the documentation strings in Python.
> 5. Install GNU Radio. Now, when you run help() in Python on a GNU
>    Radio block, you will get the full documentation.
> ===========================================================

OK, so I ran swig_doc.py on gr-digital and got this swig_doc.i:
http://pastebin.com/4HdhHC61 And the docstrings are clearly in there. I
then added %include "swig_doc.i" to digital_swig.i. So now the module
should be generated w/ the docstrings.

So, how can I verify that this worked? I tried something like this:
python -c "from gnuradio import digital; print
Basically, where do the docstrings actually go in the module?

Heres my work that does the build rules for swig docs in gr-digital:


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