On 10/16/2011 12:29 PM, waqasme wrote:
Hello all,
I am trying to transmitt and recieve OFDM signal Via USRP1 board. I made
basic simulation in GNU radio a signal source block and then interleave and
then OFDM modulator and then channel model block then usrp1 sink and fft
sink to see the output..In FFT sink at the end it shows proper square like
OFDM signal but on the other hand in spectrum analyser it shows only one
peak sine wav signal not OFDM. I tried to play with the setiings but
couldnot get the desired ofdm signal output. This is just tranmitter setup
and i attched with spectrum anlyzer but i dinot get OFDM signal . iam only
getting simple sine wave in the spectrum analyser. I tried with simple
random sourse block and then DQPSK modulator and Usrp sink then it worked it
shows sine wave signal in out put at spectrum analyser.Please any body know
how to fix this problem or any solution ??? For reciever part i will use the
same block in reverse order with ofdm demodulator..  All suggestions are
Looking forward to it...

Thanks in advance..
More specificity is usually required to allow people to help you. Posting your (GRC-produced) flow-graph would help.

From your description it's hard for anyone to help you.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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