Perhaps this is the wrong place to post this error, but I'm hoping for a quick 
response :)

I'm getting a "network unreachable" error on an E100 when trying to run from the gnuradio "next" branch (Tom Rondeau?). Command line & 
error, and output of uhd_usrp_probe are attached.

root@usrp-e1xx:/usr/local/share/gnuradio/examples/digital# ./ -f 
900000000 --tx-amplitude=0.36 -v --tx-gain=0.0 -r 40000 -m bpsk

linux; GNU C++ version 4.5.3 20110311 (prerelease); Boost_104500; 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 148, in <module>
  File "./", line 112, in main
    tb = my_top_block(mods[options.modulation], options)
  File "./", line 49, in __init__
    options.antenna, options.verbose)
  File "/usr/local/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/", line 135, 
in __init__
    freq, gain, antenna)
  File "/usr/local/share/gnuradio/examples/digital/", line 51, 
in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnuradio/uhd/", line 
84, in constructor_interceptor
    return old_constructor(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnuradio/uhd/", line 
2003, in usrp_sink
    return _uhd_swig.usrp_sink(*args, **kwargs)
RuntimeError: Network is unreachable
linux; GNU C++ version 4.5.3 20110311 (prerelease); Boost_104500; 

-- Opening device node /dev/usrp_e0...
-- Initializing FPGA clock to 64.000000MHz...
-- USRP-E100 clock control: 6
--   r_counter: 1
--   a_counter: 0
--   b_counter: 12
--   prescaler: 8
--   vco_divider: 2
--   chan_divider: 15
--   vco_rate: 1920.000000MHz
--   chan_rate: 960.000000MHz
--   out_rate: 64.000000MHz
-- Performing wishbone readback test... pass
-- Found a Jackson Labs GPS
-- Setting references to the internal GPSDO
-- Initializing time to the internal GPSDO
|       Device: E-Series Device
|     _____________________________________________________
|    /
|   |       Mboard: E100 (euewanee)
|   |   vendor: 3
|   |   device: 1
|   |   revision: 4
|   |   content: 0
|   |   model: E100
|   |   serial: E2R11Y3E1
|   |   
|   |   Time sources: none, external, _external_
|   |   Clock sources: internal, external, auto
|   |   Sensors: ref_locked, gps_gpgga, gps_gprmc, gps_gpgsa, gps_time, 
|   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       RX DSP: 0
|   |   |   Freq range: -32.000 to 32.000 Mhz
|   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       RX DSP: 1
|   |   |   Freq range: -32.000 to 32.000 Mhz
|   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       RX Dboard: A
|   |   |   ID: RFX900 (0x0025)
|   |   |   Serial: E0R11X1R9
|   |   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |   |    /
|   |   |   |       RX Subdev: 0
|   |   |   |   Name: RFX900 (0x0025)
|   |   |   |   Antennas: TX/RX, RX2
|   |   |   |   Sensors: lo_locked, rssi
|   |   |   |   Freq range: 750.000 to 1050.000 Mhz
|   |   |   |   Gain range PGA0: 0.0 to 70.0 step 0.0 dB
|   |   |   |   Connection Type: QI
|   |   |   |   Uses LO offset: No
|   |   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |   |    /
|   |   |   |       RX Codec: A
|   |   |   |   Name: ad9522
|   |   |   |   Gain range pga: 0.0 to 20.0 step 1.0 dB
|   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       TX DSP: 0
|   |   |   Freq range: -32.000 to 32.000 Mhz
|   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |    /
|   |   |       TX Dboard: A
|   |   |   ID: RFX900 (0x0029)
|   |   |   Serial: E0R11X1R9
|   |   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |   |    /
|   |   |   |       TX Subdev: 0
|   |   |   |   Name: RFX900 (0x0029)
|   |   |   |   Antennas: TX/RX
|   |   |   |   Sensors: lo_locked
|   |   |   |   Freq range: 750.000 to 1050.000 Mhz
|   |   |   |   Gain Elements: None
|   |   |   |   Connection Type: IQ
|   |   |   |   Uses LO offset: Yes
|   |   |     _____________________________________________________
|   |   |    /
|   |   |   |       TX Codec: A
|   |   |   |   Name: ad9522
|   |   |   |   Gain range pga: -20.0 to 0.0 step 0.1 dB

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