Hi, Marcus,

Thanks a lot, got it.
I may have to have a look at the examples in gr-uhd, see how the codes are
And curious, what do you mean by plugging a USRP1 to USRP E100?
I only understand that we can change daughterboards for a motherboard.


2011/10/19 Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com>

> On 19/10/2011 12:41 PM, xi yang wrote:
>> Hi, Marcus and Sean,
>> I'm a little bit confused by the relationship between UHD and gnuradio.
>> I thought we can use either UHD or gnuradio, just UHD provides some unique
>> interfaces for the products from Ettus.
>> Do you mean that our old ofdm codes that work on USRP1 cannot be used
>> anymore?
>> We are working on Non-Contiguous OFDM and our previous codes can disable
>> some subcarriers on USRP1.
>> Because we want to do FFT on FPGA, we change to use USRP E100, but codes
>> on the host are useless now?
>>  In the "old days" prior to about 2 years ago, the USRP2 and USRP1 devices
> (all that existed at the time) had their own individual APIs, and
>  applications/examples were written *knowing* which interface type they
> were using.
> Then along came UHD, which provides a universal API for all of Ettus'
> devices, and gr-uhd is the little piece of "glue" that glues Gnu Radio
>  to the UHD device stack.
> But hardly anyone converted their examples to use UHD, and that task is now
> being done by Tom Rondeau and others.
> Further, some of the new devices, notably E100, B100, N2XX, and newer
> daughtercards are only available with a UHD driver interface.
> So any applications/examples that haven't been ported to using UHD cannot
> work with non-UHD devices, and the E100 USRP-type device
>  only "speaks" UHD.
> The "next" branch has examples that have been converted to use UHD, which
> should "just work" on your E100 platform.  Although not
>  all the examples have been converted yet.
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