On 10/26/2011 08:44 AM, Jeff Scaparra wrote:
> Hello,
> I have almost gotten all the dependencies needed for gnuradio recognized
> however I have qt qwt and wx installed but they aren't being recognized by
> cmake. I have also tried to manually enable them with the -DENABLE_GR_QTGUI
> AND -DENABLE_GR_WXGUI options with no luck. I have used homebrew to install
> almost all of the dependencies and it has been a great help. If anyone have
> any experience building gnuradio on OSX I would appreciate any input.

wxgui is a matter of getting python -c "import wx" to work. Did you set
your PYTHONPATH correctly for wx?

for qtgui, the build must find pyqt4 and qt4libs. Which checks are or
are not passing?


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