
I was learning how to make a block, using the "how to make a block
tutorial", and when I develop a little block for tests, I got the error
message displayed below. The error occurred when i ran the python tests.

ERROR: test_001_quad_ff (__main__.qa_rtdsp)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./qa_rtdsp.py", line 29, in setUp
    self.fg = gr.flow_graph ()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'flow_graph'


Also, it isn't clear for me exactly what files should I change to be able
to compile the new block. If I make modifications only in the files listed
on the tutorial, the make command indicate error in some other files. So,
basically, I'm opening every file from the example and checking if they
have any references to the block I develop. Is this the correct approach?
Do I have to change all those files?

André F. B. Selva
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