For the boost issue, unitl now, I think the most likely cause is due to
incorrect installation of my boost. I manually compiled a boost 1.47 and
copy the related lib files to the /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib. But the
ubunut 11.10 could have already built-in boost of the other older version.
If so, the confilict could happen. I need to verify if this is my problem.

I can successfully cmake/make/make install in anthother PC with a fresh
ubuntu 11.10, from the code of your next branch.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Josh Blum <> wrote:

> > If I build and install the gnuradio based on your next branch, do we
> still
> > need use "import grblock" in the application code?
> >
> No, the old module "grblock" is gone, the work is now integrated into
> "". Did you see the examples here:
> If you solve your build issue with boost, please let me know. I am
> interested to understand the cause.
> -Josh


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