On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 10:32:28 -0500
 "Marcus D. Leech" <mle...@ripnet.com> wrote:
On 28-11-2011 10:21 AM, Sebastian Döring wrote:
Hello List,

just wanted to know exactly how the output vector of ..._rx_cfile.py is structured. Is the first element of the complex vector v[0] the one at the desired frequency sprecified by "-f FREQ"?



It's just raw complex-float samples in native-binary format.

The first item is I the second is Q then I then Q, etc.

They're time-series samples, not FFT outputs.

Uh ok -  explains a lot...
Since the data is getting recorded as 32-bit complex float, is "read_complex_binary()" the right octave method to put it into a vector I can use for further processing? I found a gnuradio page that says "read_short_binary()" is supposed to be the right method, but the output vector does not make any sense to me...


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