On 12/18/2011 11:18 AM, Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:
> Matt,
> I wanted to test your python file.
> I first commented out the lock/unlock and the program continuously
> prints "noflow". Is this the expected behavior?
> My understainding is that after every flushing of the message queue and
> sleeping of 1 msec, the message queue should always be non-empty
> (samples have been produced and are continuously produced at the
> maximum possible rate (based on the CPU) by the source block).
> BTW, the sampling rate of 8MHz is meaningless in this graph, right?
> Also, when i change the sleeping to 10msec then the behavior (with
> lock/unlock commented out) is as expected.
> I know this is not adressing your lock/unlock question, but i thought
> we first have to understand the simpler behavior of the graph without
> the lock/unlock...

I looked into this a day or so ago. The call to interrupt() the thread
(in the stop() routine) was actually locked up. This is a non blocking
call, so I guess something was stomping on memory prior to interrupt. I
suspect the msg queue, but I really cant say why this happens.


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