On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com> wrote:
>> Please do not get me wrong. I believe that the work from Ettus and the
>> contributors to GNU-Radio are revolutionary!  The equipment with the
>> interface to GNU-Radio is not only priced at a level that is affordable to
>> many amateurs and hobbyists, it opens up a brand new world for... (the list
>> is too long to list here)
>> In fact, I am so impressed that I desire to contribute to the community.
>> First by contributing to these forums and second by eventually posting
>> projects to CGRAN!
>> My intent was to let Gaetano know of the potential for spurious signals so
>> that he can properly select a center frequency that is free of these little
>> nuisances.
> Yup, understood.
> At lot of the folks on this list come at SDR from a background in
> software/digital, where the "vagaries" of
>  the analog world are entirely foreign to them, and they may see the
> existence of such things as "spurs" as
>  some kind of horrible defect, rather than an inevitable annoyance.  So
> I felt an explanatory note was in order.
> Another subset on this forum come from a background where they're used
> to dealing with lab-calibrated
>  instruments that their corporate  lords and masters (or university
> administration) have spent significant
>  money on, so their performance expectations (along certain vectors,
> anyway) will be driven by what they've
>  seen their $40-$100K lab instruments do.
> The ham radio community is used to dealing with this.  As radios became
> more and more broadly-tunable,
>  it was no big surprise that "birdies" (a peculiar ham-radio term for
> "spurs") became more and more frequently
>  observable, since it was no longer possible to "tune" the underlying
> "birdy-producing" mechanisms to produce
>  those "birdies" outside the band of interest, since the "band of
> interest" became larger and larger.

Thank you for your reply, I will soon look at those utilities to see
if I can minimize
the effect.


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