Decided this evening to grab some quick profile data for a, running at 50Msps from a USRP2.

The kernel was occupied 41% of the time--no great surprise. Handling interrupts, doing the network stack "stuff".

The next largest chunk was libc (memcpy_sse)     12.5%
Then uhd (convert_sc8_item32_1_to_fcxx_1)         11.4%
Then libpython                                                          9.8%
Then libgnuradio-core                                              7.5%

So, the big surprise there was that libpython was so high on the list, since Python isn't used in copying data within the flow-graph. I didn't get any symbol information for libpython, so I wonder what it is doing all that time?

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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