On 01/12/2012 03:54 AM, smith mark wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) I got my USRP 1 and RFX900 and 1800 daughterboards. The LED on the
> USRP flashes when its powered on. I wanted to test the USRP but when I
> ran the follwowing command
>>> ./usrp_probe  or sudo ./usrp_probe
> I got the following error
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./usrp_probe", line 114, in <module>
>     USRPProbeWindow()
>   File "./usrp_probe", line 71, in __init__
>     vbox.pack_start(get_input(usrp_which_param), False)
>   File "./usrp_probe", line 42, in get_input
>     input = param.get_input()
> AttributeError: 'Param' object has no attribute 'get_input'
> I am using gnuradio 3.2 and Ubuntu(Lucid)

You may have a version mismatch between the installed python modules in
lib and installed python scripts in bin. Either that, or its a very old
bug. Whatever the case, I recommend you nuke your gr install(s) and grab
a recent release.

> 2) Also I got N210. How can I test it. Please help.
> Waiting for a quick response as I am worried. Any help in this regards
> is highly appreciated.

What do you want to test? If you want connectivity, install UHD and the
command uhd_usrp_probe will tell you all the USRP devices connected to
your pc: http://code.ettus.com/redmine/ettus/projects/uhd/wiki

If you want to test signal integrity, configure gnuradio with gr-uhd
support. There is a very basic signal generator and analyzer display
that comes with the component. uhd_siggen_gui.py uhd_fft.py I believe.
Or make a quick flowgraph in gnuradio-companion :-)


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