
On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:37 AM, Eduardo Lloret Fuentes wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working with a USRP2 board and the old GNU Radio driver (not the
> UHD driver) under Ubuntu 10.04. I added a module to the FGPA in the
> file named u2_core.v and I defined some setting registers in order to
> control it. On the other hand, in the host side, I used the poke32
> method to set the values of each register.
> My doubt is whether is possible or not, to read from the host the
> value of a FPGA register, such as the output of my module. I thouht
> that the method named peek32 could be useful but it is confusing for
> me.
As a back ground there are 2 types of registers in the FPGA memory map,
"Wishbone" and "Setting". Wishbone is the native bus protocol of the AeMB and 
processors used in Ettus designs and it's a relatively simple pipelined SoC bus.
The USRP2 has only one master on the Wishbone bus, the AeMB/ZPU ad a bunch of
slave devices. The slaves are hooked upto the master via the module 
and this module defines the memory map of the Wishbone bus. The Settings bus is
a very simple write only bus, that allows (as you have done) very quick edits 
to the code
to add registers. The Settings bus is implemented as a device on the Wishbone 
(A bus bridge in ASIC/FPGA design terms), and so a piece of Wishbone memory map
addresses the setting registers. However as stated it's a write only bus, and 
so to allow
read back from various sources there is another device on the Wishbone bus 
"wb_readback_mux" that allows 32bit data sources to be quickly hooked up. It 
has a
different address range than the settings bus as you can see from the 
instantiation. Thus you either need to:
1) Hook up the data you want to read to the wb_readback_mux and use different 
to poke32/peek32 to write/read your registers or
2) Create Wishbone protocol registers and add them to the memory map (more 
work, only worth
it if you are adding a major new module)

Pay careful attention to which portion of the settings bus you add registers to 
depending on 
there clock domain, there is another bus bridge on the settings bus and on one 
side should be
registers on the wb_clk and on the other side registers driven by dsp_clk.

> If I understood right the architecture, the AeMB processor loads from
> the memory (defined by the memory_map.h file) the value of every
> setting register via the Slave #7 (Setting Bus) and by using the
> poke32 method I tell the AeMB processor (modifying the memory) what
> value it has to load. Hence, the communication flows from the AeMB
> processor to the registers.
> My question is: Is it possible to establish the communication the
> other way around? I mean, load a setting register value into the AeMB
> memory so I can read it using the peek32 method.
> Related to this:
> - Is there an existing example of the peek32 method usage? Not
> necessarily of a setting register. From the mailing list I read:
> "Readback registers are only implemented for states that we need to
> readback from the device." Could someone give me an example of this?
> - The firmware file named memory_map.h refers to a logic place in the
> AeMB, right? What FPGA file defines this place?
> A lot of thanks for any help.
> Greetings.
> Eduardo.
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p.s Not sure why but your message didn't appear on the usrp-users mailing list

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