On 20/02/12 05:33 AM, Zohair wrote:
> Is it possible to utilise USRP2 with a daughter board to receive a signal on
> the Ku band? I checked Ettus website but all the available daughterboards
> have carrier frequencies less than the required.
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Zohair
The usual way people do that is to use a Ku-band LNBF -- the same type
that people use for satellite TV.
  These downconvert into L-band, so a DBSRX or WBX card can be used to
receive the downconverted
  signal.  Get one that is "digital ready"--they have better local
oscillators that are more stable.

Typical units downconvert 11.7GHz to 12.7GHz down to 950Mhz to 1800MHz.

Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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