There is a coarse and a fine frequency offset correction. The fine
correct makes sure that the subcarrier is centered in the bin; the
coarse adjusts for an integer number of subcarriers off from the center
frequency. By default, the OFDM receiver will correct for some number of
subcarrier bins (it's either +/-5 or +/-10; I can't remember). If your
radios have a frequency offset that is greater than the maximum number
of subcarriers specified here, the receiver cannot receive the symbols

How about the fine frequency offset correction? How can I turn it on? For instance, how do I have to modify the benchmark/tunnel scripts in order to do that?

Yes, you can transmit a tone using to fine out a rough
estimate of the frequency offset and adjust either the transmitter or
receiver based on this number.

Thanks, I will try that next days.

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