As I said, your system is not processing the samples fast enough and a
buffer overflows and samples are lost. You say it happends durring that
loop, that might use enough CPU time to cause these problems. Your options
are to get a faster system, sample at a lower rate or find a way to make
your code faster.

On Thursday, February 23, 2012, Wu Ting <> wrote:
> Hi! Thank you for your response. I've kept working on this problem for two
> days, but still cannot find a way to solve it.
> I simplified the program and have determined that the 'O' is produced is
> this while loop:
> while msgCount<10000:
>    msg = tb.queue.delete_head()
>    payload = msg.to_string()
>    f.write(payload)
>    msgCount += 1
> I also tried to make it sleep for a short time after each operation:
> while msgCount<10000:
>    msg = tb.queue.delete_head()
>    sleep(0.00001)
>    payload = msg.to_string()
>    sleep(0.00001)
>    f.write(payload)
>    sleep(0.00001)
>    msgCount += 1
> It still has the problem. I'm using a USRP source with 4M smapling rate,
> connect it with message_sink.
> self.source = uhd.usrp_source(device_addr="",
> stream_args=uhd.stream_args('sc16', 'sc16', args="scalar=1024"))
> self.source.set_samp_rate(4e6)
> self.queue = gr.msg_queue()
> self.sink = gr.message_sink(gr.sizeof_short*2, self.queue, False)
> self.connect(self.source, self.sink)
> This is really a serious problem for our application because we want to
> continuously record some data. Does anyone has any idea how to deal with
> this problem, or at least catch this error when it happens? Any
> will be greatly appreciated.
> Wu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Davis []
> Sent: 2012年2月23日 0:15
> To: Wu Ting;
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Strange output of "0" at the terminal
> "O" means there has been an overflow, some part of your system is not fast
> enough to keep up with the incoming data, probably your hard drive, or you
> may not have a fast enough CPU to process as the sample rate you have
> chosen.
> 2012/2/22 Wu Ting <>:
>> The output is “O” (Oh) not “0” (zero).
>> I made more tests and feel the problem may be from use of write() to
>> write data into files. Anyone had similar problem?
>> Wu
>> From:
>> [
>> On Behalf Of Wu Ting
>> Sent: 2012年2月22日 14:48
>> To:
>> Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Strange output of "0" at the terminal
>> Hi all,
>> I’m now using message_sink and msg_queue to receive data from USRP. I
>> do some calculation for all the data in the msg_queue one by one and
>> write some of them into a file. Everything seems to be working
>> smoothly. But once in a while, a “0” is printed in the terminal.
>> (There is no code to print “0” in my program.) I checked the data, and
>> found that every time a “0” is printed, some data are lost, and the
>> length of lost data seems to be of hundreds of messages.
>> There is no other error information, so I’m really confused by this
> problem.
>> Does anyone has a clue of what happened and how should I deal with it?
>> Thanks,
>> Wu
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