On 04/13/2012 08:36 AM, Nowlan, Sean wrote:
> A few questions about this: can you wait on the uhd async message
> queue from a python script that has an instance of top_block? Would
> you have to override wait() with a custom version that waits on the
> queue (haven't checked if wait is a virtual function)?

Yes, you can wait on the message queue. In pseudo code:


while True:
        sleep(.01) # just a bit
        msg = the_msg_queue.delete_head()
        if not msg: continue
        if parse(msg) == ACK: break


The msg is kind of a blob of bytes with this struct, so you have to
write parse():

I have a version of the async message source that uses the PMT message
passing feature, so its a little more graceful:

Your message would be a PMT dictionary that you can pop-apart in python:

> Does UHD also ACK time tags and start-of-burst tags?

Just the end of burst.

I can image that it might be useful to know when the USRP began
triggering the transmission.


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