Hello everyone,

Lately, I have been trying to tweak the way both digital_bert_tx and
digital_bert_rx are working by introducing in the transmitter side my own
generated random .dat file instead of transmitting an infinite vector of
ones (default) while at the receiver side I consider the transmitted data
known and I am making use of the error_rate block for evaluating the Bit
Error Rate.

However, the file source that I am using as a reference input in my error
rate block at the receiver seems to introduce overflows after some time at
the receiver as I am repeatedly giving as an input a predefined randomized
sequence of bytes. Moreover, using a scope sink at the output of the
error_rate block I get probability of error close to 1/2 either
transmitting or not.

Does anybody have an idea of what could be the problem in the above
scenario or even better has tried something similar in the past?


The experiment takes place in the latest revision of both gnuradio and UHD,
Ubuntu 11.04-64bit in Intel core-i7 laptops.

Sklivanitis Georgios
Postgraduate Student
Telecommunications Division
Technical University of Crete
ECE Dept.
Tel. : 28210 59257
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