On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 07:38, Getz, Robin <robin.g...@analog.com> wrote:

> Is there a "golden" reference to look at? (I assume
> gr-howto-write-a-block-3.6.0.tar.gz
> should have everything we need?)

This will give you the "canonical" format for writing your own
out-of-tree installable GNU Radio blocks.

A hardware source block would have no input ports, one or more output
ports for whatever streams your device generates, and a work function
that wraps calls to your existing sample-based I/O library for your
device.  The main purpose of the work function would be to retrieve
samples from the device and put them into the block output buffer, and
some housekeeping to tell the GNU Radio runtime what you've done.

You'd also need write any needed setter/getter functions to perform
configuration of your source block either at initialization or during

> ...although it appears we need to extend our FSF copyright assignments
> before we get too busy.

This isn't needed to develop your own distributed GNU Radio blocks;
you only need comply with the GPLv3 license terms of GNU Radio.


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