Greetings list,

I have hardly ever used gnuradio. But I want to use it for the
to use as a sort of spectrum analyzer. I installed gnuradio with the script
created by Marcus Leech for ubuntu.

Upon running " -f 2.45e9 -d 16 -g 20" I get a whole list of
errors at the bottom of which is

*RuntimeError: NO USRPs found on interface eth0

*The line before the Traceback (most recent call last): reads

*eth0: socket: Operation not permitted

* I ran *sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/usrp2_socket_opener *as posted in response
to one of the previous queries but I still get the same error. The thing is
that the device is actually connected on the eth1 interface. So if I run
the same command with an additional *-e eth1 *it's the same error again
except for the *eth1*.
I have Ubuntu 11 on my machine. It has the latest gnuradio and UHD
installed from the script and the latest Firmware and FPGA images. The
hardware I am using is a USRP2-Rev4 with RFX2400 daughterboard. The
problems I described above, I am facing on another machine that has the
exact same setup except for Ubuntu 10 instead of 11.

Another question is, the build_gnuradio script asks you to set your
PYTHONPATH to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages. Which I did, but I
was getting errors like     *
        from gnuradio import usrp2*
*ImportError: cannot import name usrp2
*I have made sure that the packages are installed by running *dpkg
--get-selections | grep gnuradio  *and it shows me the
python-gnuradio-usrp2 package as installed.
I found that after exporting the PYTHONPATH to
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages instead, it runs but gives me the error
above. But each new terminal I open, I have to run that export command. Is
there a permanent solution ? Should I add the line *export
PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages* to the /etc/ file.
Sorry if this question is too basic, I am not too experienced on linux.

Best Regards,
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