Hi all,

I am currently extending gnuradio filter design tools and is planning to 
integrate gr_filter_design to GRC so that users can import filter specs 
directly. I went through the gui code and tried some examples by 
patching /gnuradio/grc/gui/PropsDialog.py.

Please watch a sample recording http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqLIPHXCM1M 
(kindly switch to high resolution). In my implementation I tried to 
update grc block parametes by handling stdout of an external program and from a 
file too.

I would mainly like to add two features 
a) launching of an external application and handling the out (may be via stdout 
or using plugs and sockets)
b) File loader so that block parameters can be directly imported from an 
standard xml file.

Is it desirable to add some new xml tags (<launcher>, 
<fileload>, etc) to block.dtd so that this will be a generic 
feature that can be added to any block. Is there any other
 good and clean way of doing this?.

It would be really helpful if any one of the GRC maintainers can share some 
thoughts on this. 

Sreeraj Rajendran
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