Hi Tom,

Tom Rondeau wrote on 2012-06-03 17:12:
> On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 5:50 AM, Patrick Strasser
> Patrick,
> It looks like you're problem is in the rational_resampler code. I
> wonder if there's something about the resampling rate being used
> that's causing something to go out of bounds here. Can you dig into
> the code and figure out what interpolation and decimation rates are
> being used?

Interpolation is 1, decimation is 2.

I compiled GNU Radio branch v3.6.0 with
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
which resulted in a compile with flags -g -O2 .
I tried to track what's happening in gdb, in gr_fir_fff_simd::set_taps,
but -O2 was not helping, a lot optimized out, loops unrolled.

Full valgrind log in


Engineers motto: cheap, good, fast: choose any two
Patrick Strasser <patrick dot strasser at  tugraz dot at>
Student of Telematics, Graz Univ. of Technology, Austria

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