On Friday, June 08, 2012 12:34:53 PM Phil wrote:
> I'm sorry to have to ask more questions.
> The "Simple FM receiver" by Marcus Leech would seem to be simple in name
> only. I'm sure that I have followed the installation instructions to the
> letter but I still end up with an error as follows:
> <<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion >>>
> Loading: "/home/phil/bin/simple_fm_helper.py"
> Error: Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1
>  >>> Failure
> Showing: ""
> In case I've missed something important, this is what I did. I opened
> "simple_fm_rcv.grc" with gnuradio-companion and there aren't any '<' in
> the file simple_fm_helper.py.

Phil,  I just got simple_fm_rcv working today.

I had to:

open up a terminal

cd to my radio flowdiagram directory - /home/jim/gnu_radio

svn co https://www.cgran.org/svn/projects/simple_fm_rcv

cd to the directory - in my case - /home/jim/gnu_radio/simple_fm_rcv/trunk/

make install

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/jim/bin

then run gnuradio-companion

then open simple_fm_rcv.grc

it works! Before this, I was getting an import error for simple_fm_helper no 
matter where I put the simple_fm_helper program or what I set the PYTHONPATH 

now each time I run gnuradio-companion or the python variant, I have to run 
the export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/jim/bin 
statement from inside the terminal that I'll start gnuradio-companion from. 

{I've not figured  out (yet) where Kubuntu 12.04 keeps the .profile or xxx 
file that would permanently set the python path and allow me to start 
companion from the GUI.}

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