Hi Jonathon,

I was starting to suspect that was the case, thanks for clearing that up
for me :)



On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 2:31 AM, Johnathan Corgan <
jcor...@corganenterprises.com> wrote:

>  On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Michael Hill <moth...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm quite new to Linux / GNU Radio / these lists and am looking to
>> generate Signal Pulses.
>> It seems that gnuradio-radar-mono.py would be ideal for this but wasn't
>> installed with my GRC 3.6
>> nor has it been updated for a long time. According to the documentation
>> it requires a custom FPGA build to get working?
> Sorry to inform you but the functionality in gr-radar-mono was obsoleted
> some time ago and removed from the GNU Radio distribution.  It required a
> custom USRP1 FPGA image which is no longer distributed, and its
> functionality depened on the old libusrp library that is also no longer
> part of GNU Radio.
> That being said, I'd encourage you define the functionality you want for
> your application and implement these on your own via GRC or Python if
> possible.  The process of understanding what features you want and mapping
> those to the blocks available in GNU Radio is a great learning experience.
> Johnathan
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