
How are the effects of DC mitigated in GNU radio? For example, if I use the to just scan the spectrum, I do not see any DC spike at the
centre frequency. When I looked at the code, it has :

r = self.u.set_center_freq(target_freq, 0)

So I assume, it does not use the advanced tuning feature of UHD. Is this
correct? How, in this case is there no DC spike seen at the centre
I am trying to code a scanning system that goes through the whole frequency
band of my RFX2400 dboard and at each center frequency, I grab a packet
from the air and apply an FFT to check for possible interferers etc. But I
am ending up with a spike at every centre frequency iteration. I have used
the two stage advanced tuning to try and push the DC leakage out of my band
of interest but I see no difference. I still get that single spike. (I am
using the UHD library and not GNU Radio)

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