On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Frederick Lee <frederick....@gmail.com>wrote:

>> Frederick,
>> You will have to recompile and reinstall, but not everything. If you
>> are modifying a single block, you can just rebuild from that
>> components directory. You want to do the entire component to make sure
>> SWIG is initiated again to rebuild the Python interface. But this is
>> much quicker than rebuilding from the top source directory that would
>> walk through all directories (it won't rebuild them, but the walking
>> takes time).
>> So if you are changing a block in gr-digital, you can just:
>> cd gr-digital
>> make
>> make test (or ctest)
>> sudo make install
>> Tom
> Thanks a lot Tom. It's great to know that I don't have to go through all
> the directories because I was using the gnuradio_build option on the
> build-gnuradio script to rebuild and it takes some time to complete. :)
> Thanks again
> Frederick
> Sorry for posting again, but when I try the above instructions the make
command fails. The error I get it this:

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

Does the build-gnuradio script put makefiles into the directories for you?
If not, is it possible to get the makefile else where or find a way around
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