Hi there,

I am currently doing a OFDM transceiver project based on RawOFDM. We want
to implement 20MHz bandwidth transmit/receive, but the RawOFDM code seems
to support only narrow band (<1MHz). Once I set the sample-rate larger than
1MHz, my program will block with overrun messages (more details here
I think the reason is that at 20MHz sample-rate, USRP produces too much
data for the PC to process and drain PC's computation power.

To boost the speed, I have two questions

1) My cpu have 8 threads(4 cores), can I manually dedicate one thread to
each gr block, and make it a pipe-line system? Tom mentioned that gnuradio
use a "thread-per-block" scheduler (
but in my case only two threads are 100% occupied when I run the program.

2) Inside some blocks, we extensively use vector multiplications (e.g.,
precoding, CFO compensation). I've heard about the use of SSE to boost the
speed of vector multiplication. How can I utilize this technology in my

Best regards,
Yang, Qing
Information Engineering, CUHK
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